Tyrosine Hydroxylase Antibody

Tyrosine Hydroxylase Antibody

The ImmunoStar monoclonal Tyrosine Hydroxylase antiserum was quality control tested using standard immunohistochemical methods. The antiserum demonstrates strongly positive labeling of rat catecholamine neuron systems using indirect immunofluorescent and...

Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials Beautiful Results “I have used your TH (Tyrosine Hydroxylase) monoclonal antibody 22941 for many years with beautiful results. This is one of the antisera we use on an almost daily basis. We are extremely glad that you were able to confirm the...

Alzheimer’s Research Antibodies

Alzheimer’s Research Antibodies Alzheimer’s research antibodies play a significant role in helping scientists find solutions to this disease and other dementias that affect 47 million people worldwide and 5.3 million Americans, numbers that are expected to triple by...